Introducing the Immerse Framework:  Building Blocks for Creating Interactive Virtual Environments with Unity

Introducing the Immerse Framework: Building Blocks for Creating Interactive Virtual Environments with Unity

Today we’re excited to introduce the Immerse Framework, a toolkit of building blocks for creating interactive and multi-user virtual environments. New users can quickly bring their projects to life with interactivity without writing a single line of code, while advanced users can easily extend Immerse with a limitless range of functionality. Immerse can save developers thousands of dollars and months of time they would otherwise spend building these same elements from scratch.

13 Predictions for 2013

I generally tend to be bullish on the future of virtual technologies, but I just don’t see 2013 being a big year for this industry.  I think we will likely see more of the same across the board.  That doesn’t necessarily mean it will be a bad year for...


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