Welcome to Acadicus

Acadicus is a VR platform for teaching and learning that includes everything needed to access, create, record or publish simulations, training and multi-user demonstrations.

A Faster, Cheaper Way to Create VR Training and Simulations

As new research continues to demonstrate the effectiveness of VR training and more people have an opportunity to try it, there’s steadily increasing demand for quality VR training and simulation content.

However, a significant lack of quality VR training content has become a bottleneck, due to the complexity, expense and time required to develop it.  Training and best practices vary widely, and change over time, but most content available today presents only one method or technique. Customizing and keeping these apps updated is also costly, complex and time consuming.

We created Acadicus with the goal of simplifying the process of accessing and creating VR training experiences at a fraction of the cost.  We provide a library of scenes, equipment, people that can be used to quickly create a scene, plus the ability to capture 3D recordings of demonstrations and training by instructors and subject matter experts.  Acadicus also includes optional multi-user option allowing several people to be together in VR.


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