[update…transcript posted]

Tom Portante will be giving a presentation about lessons he has learned through 20 years of experience with online communities today at 2:00 SL-time.

During the last Community Development presentation, we heard Lys Ware of Stanford University express his views on virtual communities. The topic and discussion was multi-faceted and quite diverse, but several architecture-related issues were adressed, such as whether the design of a virtual spaces can have any affect on the success or failure of building communities. We also discussed what specific kinds of architectural and programmatic elements help to bring people together for chance encounters and discussion. We compared the characteristics of real life architectural spaces known to foster community with characteristics of virtual environments. So, while this meeting might not be architecture-specific in organization or intent, many architecture-related conversations often spin off of these presentations, so I encourage everyone to attend if time permits.

It’s at 2:00 SL-time (pacific), Thursday (today) on Clear ink island. If you want to receive earlier notices of events like this, please join the RL Architects in Second Life group in-world. For more info, visit THIS site.


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