In the virtual world of Second Life currently a considerable amount of design for buildings and interior design is emerging. Yet there are limits to the capacity for detail. Is this parallel world useful for the development, presentation and sale of design in the real world? Can the medium be used to work collectively on blueprints? Could all planners together tour these with the help of virtual 3D modeling? We see our office in Second Life as an experiment to pursue this idea. Stay at home or in the office and visit us from there in Second Life. Results will be presented in real life at a closing event.”

From the Design Festival Hamburg website. Screenshots by Theory Shaw, who tried to make contact with the group, but they were unresponsive. Were they protesting, or just promoting? Their signs appeared to be neutral, nothing more than festival logos, and they weren’t chanting anything negative, so I think we can safely conclude that Architecture Island is still a safe haven for closet virtual-architecture meterati who still believe this is the future of architecture. 😉

Limits to the capacity for detail? Perhaps they haven’t seen Scope Cleaver’s work yet.


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