I could be wrong, but I suspect there might be a few readers who still haven’t been in Second Life, or tried and didn’t have a very good time. Just in case you change your mind, I’d like to share this link from fellow blogger and good friend of mine Bettina Tizzy from the ‘Not Possible in Real Life.’ This post contains a wealth of very important points that every newbie to Second Life should consider: 10 secret tips.

While you’re there, check out the rest of the blog. When I open my Google Reader, the first thing I do is scan to see if there’s a new post up at NPIRL.

My post on Clear Night Sky, ‘The Fear of Being a Newbie‘ also has some advice as well (as well as a picture of Keystone Bouchard on day 3 of his adventures in SL! lol). For what it’s worth, you can see all of my Clear Night Sky posts HERE.


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