Architecture Islands, arcspace and Eolus One are announcing that they will be moving to a new location on the Second Life grid, and will now be sharing common borders as a contiguous group of islands. The move is part of a concerted effort to unite some of the brightest minds as well as the most ambitious projects in Second Life.

While each group will retain its own identity and function, the new archipelago will now collectively represent a wider range of the complete life cycle of the real estate industry, including education, development, architecture, construction, facilities management and investment management.

arcspace Island is founded by KK Jewel (Kirsten Kiser in real life), publisher of, an architecture and design magazine that features today’s most creative projects, as well as the most influential of the past.  KK made the move to Second Life in early 2007 to build the arcspace Community as a platform for interacting with  readers from across the globe, for collaboration, for building, and for exploring new tools and techniques.   arcspace provides customizable cubes to readers and members of the arcspace group and,  in addition to supporting and building a sense of community for its readership, arcspace holds exhibitions, discussions and competitions.

Eolus Islands, founded by Eolus McMillan (Oliver Goh in real life).  On July 6th 2007, some of the worlds top technology innovators unveiled a think tank, called EOLUS One. These unique, multi-cultural, geographically dispersed individuals put Eolus One in a position to come up with new ways of working in the competitive, dynamic, intercultural global business environment. EOLUS One brings together service providers and innovators from many disciplines and industries as one community to create new solutions that take full advantage of the 3D virtual environment to research and develop innovative real to virtual integrations to create virtual operation centers and dynamic 3D visualization tools for the Real Estate Industry. (

Architecture Islands founded by Keystone Bouchard (Jon Brouchoud in real life), and was intended to serve as an incubator for architects, designers and students who wanted to explore the potential for Second Life to be used for both professional and academic applications.  The islands hosts meetings of the ‘Architecture in SL’ group, and provided space for the first two Wikitecture experiments, intended to explore the potential for Second Life to be used as a platform for architectural collaboration. (


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