News From Arch Virtual

The latest in architectural visualization and virtual reality application development.

Virtual Autodesk Island

Virtual Autodesk Island

Autodesk Island has been online on the Second Life platform since 2006, and was originally designed and built by Clear Ink to help showcase virtual environments during Autodesk University. To visit Autodesk Island, click the link below then click 'Sign Up' in the...

Introducing The ARCH Network

Introducing The ARCH Network

The virtual winds of change are blowing, and its time to re-activate, refresh, and re-invent many of the various efforts associated with this blog, Architecture Islands, the in-world RL Architects group, and more.  In the days ahead, I plan to introduce a more...

The Architecture of Virtual Education

The Architecture of Virtual Education

Here is a video of the presentation I gave last weekend at the VWBPE convention , posted by, in both a streaming format and high-def download, available here: Other presentations captured by

Beautiful Browsers: Therapy for the Mainstream

Beautiful Browsers: Therapy for the Mainstream

Everywhere I turn these days, someone is reminding me that virtual worlds like Second Life or Opensim will never reach 'mainstream' adoption until everyday ordinary web users can access them through special plug-ins downloaded for those precious 2d web browsers we...

Worlds merging: A video response from X3D

A few weeks ago, I posted a video showing how my Revit model was imported into realxtend by Visibuild.  It generated lots of interest and traffic, suggesting to me that model interoperability is an important priority for lots of us. Shortly after posting that my...

More from the AIA about virtual worlds

Last week, I wrote about MellaniuM's use of the Unreal engine in architectural visualization.  Yesterday, the American Insitute of Architect's newsletter AIArchitect covers another story about virtual worlds, this time about HKS's decision to license the most recent...

Architecture For Humanity Enters the 3D Web

"This is an introduction by Lauren Stokes to Architecture For Humanity's own interactive digital globe that will host models from their Open Architecture Network. Using X3D Earth and Open Street Map, web3D students sponsored by GeoSherpa are helping Architecture For...


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