News From Arch Virtual
The latest in architectural visualization and virtual reality application development.
Oscar Niemeyer: 3D imagery database in Second Life
[youtube =] Wow, check out the above video! This and more exciting news from the seemingly tireless Hidenori Watanave: "I and student team of Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. are developing 3D image database of "Oscar Niemeyer" on...
Fake is the New Real – Mario Gerosa on Virtual Architecture
[youtube=] Check out Mario Gerosa's interview, part of a Mission completed in the CheckinArchitecture project, submitted by Fabio Falzone and Jacopo Fontana. From their YouTube description: "But what about traveling in the...
A Presentation on Anton Gaudí, Thursday, 07-17-2008, 22.00 h european time
This just in from Lotja Loon: Thursday, 07-17-2008, 22.00 h european time, Campus Seccondlearning, Indire Antoni Gaudí - there are no straight lines in nature Antoni Gaudí (1852 - 1926), most outstanding representative of...
Thank You Readers! A Week of Community-Submitted Resources! The Week in Review
We had an outstanding range of community-submitted resources this week! Thanks so much for sharing the inside scoop on these projects, and keep it up! It all started with Lotja Loon telling us about 'Architecture and Design Classes: Bauhaus, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd...
Virtual Model of the Future Green Chatham Home, Grand Opening July 18-20, 2008
Martin Purnell and Associates, a real life development firm located in Chicago, Illinois, opens virtual office on the Etopia sim in Second Life. The construction is nearly complete on the virtual model of the Future Green Chatham homes. They hope to begin building the...
Atelier Ten Architects, “Real” Architects that are now “Virtual” Architects in Second Life
[youtube =] This just in from Hidenori Watanave (including video above): "Yesterday I invited "Atelier Ten Architects" for my laboratory of Tokyo Metropolitan University, and they made a special lecture of "Architecture in...
Lucien Hervé Exhibit Opening July 12, 1pm PDT
This just in from Bennet Dynamo, who created an incredible gallery for this exhibit (see more screenshots below): "I am honored to host the first show at the foundation gallery on depo park 4 presenting a selection of Lucien Herve's fine photography of Palladio's...
3D Model Interoperability in Second Life
We really, really need your help on this one! I am confident that if the readers of this blog collectively vote as a unified voice to push 3D Model Interoperability as a priority item for Linden Lab, we will be heard. You all know that Importing and exporting models...
Raising the Bar for Architectural Visualization in Second Life
WOW. If you couldn't join us today, I strongly urge you to make some time to check this project out. To truly comprehend the depth and history of this project, you have to spend some time there. It takes some time to develop... it came to me in layers. Sure,...
Architecture and Design Classes: Bauhaus, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Hundertwasser
Real life Social Scientist and Historian Lotja Loon continues this excellent thread of presentations with the upcoming 'Frank Lloyd - What on earth is “organic architecture"? ' lecture. Check out Lotja's blog for more information, and read the invite for the next...
Event Video Posted: Urbanism, Architecture, Planning: How Second Life Can Help Build the Urban Landscape of the Physical World and Vice Versa
I was absolutely blown away by the projects presented on this panel, and am relieved there seems to be consensus that we need to have more discussions like this soon. Just when I think I've got my finger on the pulse of professional architecture and design work...
Upcoming Event: July 9th at 2pm SL-time (PDT): Tour of TowerVisions
If you are even remotely interested in the use of virtual worlds to augment the professional practice of architecture, you won't want to miss this! On July 9th, at 2:00pm SL-time (PDT), Bernd Bötzel (Vision Planer in SL), architect, project developer and managing...
Inventing Architectural Products for Real Life in Second Life
In a nice little twist of serendipity, a comment on this post led me to this site, where I found this: "the main reason SGG (Saint Gobain Glass) is now in Second Life is to share ideas and invent their next generation of products with a great focus on sustainable...
Orientation Day on Public Works Island in Second Life
I've known Pam Broviak, a city engineer/director of public works in real life, and founder of the Public Works group in Second Life for quite a while now, and never cease to be amazed by the amount of energy and creative ideas she brings to Second Life. If you don't...
Urbanism, Architecture, Planning: How Second Life Can Help Build the Urban Landscape of the First Life–and Vice Versa
I'm super excited to have the opportunity to be on a panel for Second Life's 5th birthday party, called "Urbanism, Architecture, Planning: How Second Life Can Help Build the Urban Landscape of the First Life--and Vice Versa" See you there?!?! Here are the details:...
Villa Tugenhdat, by Mies van der Rohe
Be sure to 'Like' Arch Virtual on Facebook to learn more about architecture virtual worlds! You can now visit a free virtual tour of Villa Tugenhdat, by Mies van der Rohe, by clicking HERE! The model was downloaded the model from Google 3D Warehouse (model and...