News From Arch Virtual

The latest in architectural visualization and virtual reality application development.

Dynamic Shadows in Second Life

[update: over at NWN, this post includes an explanation of how to get dynamic shadows running on your machine, as well as some ideas regarding the potential troubles and opportunities associated with dynamic shadows] I noticed this over on Torley's blog. Dynamic shade...

Second Life’s Enterprise Boom

Here are a few tremors from this week's roundup from the virtual frontier: BusinessWeek - "Moving beyond Second Life marketing, many companies are infiltrating virtual worlds for employee meetings, mixers, and recruiting."...

Exodus to the Virtual Workplace, Part 3

Exodus to the Virtual Workplace, Part 3

Assuming I have established a viable case for the 3D virtual workplace in post 1 and 2, what about the actual planning, design and virtual architecture required to support it? What are the new characteristics of this environment that deserve consideration when...

Exodus to the Virtual Workplace, Part 2

Lets start with a brief thought trial before I get too far. Take a look at this familiar list of just some of the businesses who have, at some point, had a presence in Second Life: Accenture, AccuWeather, ABN AMRO, Aegon, Ajax Football Club, Alcatel Lucent, AMD,...

Exodus to the Virtual Workplace, Part 1

Exodus to the Virtual Workplace, Part 1

[see also part 2 and part 3] I'm often asked if it is actually possible to make a living practicing virtual architecture in Second Life. As it turns out, I have indeed become quite a virtual Bedouin lately, and have been lucky enough to derive an equal or greater...

Casting Shadows

These past few months have brought about a rather exciting surge of announcements and renewed energy around the OpenSIM project, the open source virtual world platform. Though it is still alpha level code, the future potential is obvious, especially for those of us...

Second Life Tutorials

I never realized just how much I actually didn't know about Second Life until I watched Torley Linden's Second Life Tutorials. Not only are they crystal clear in direction, but Torley keeps them entertaining and upbeat as well. If you're totally new, start on Volume 1...

Modeling Real Life in Virtual Worlds

We've been wondering lately - in terms of public virtual worlds, which will be more robust and populous in 5 years, mirror world replication of our real life environment or fantasy-based environments? Should Second Life developers, or even Linden Lab itself, be more...


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