Design for an Eco-friendly Community

Design a structure in Second Life – build the structure in China and Hawaii in Real Life! and, in collaboration with INBAR – International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, invite architects, designers and students to take part in...
From Common Interests to Common Borders

From Common Interests to Common Borders

Architecture Islands, arcspace and Eolus One are announcing that they will be moving to a new location on the Second Life grid, and will now be sharing common borders as a contiguous group of islands. The move is part of a concerted effort to unite some of the...
Open Source Scripts: The DynaFleur Revealed

Open Source Scripts: The DynaFleur Revealed

Many thanks to desdemona Enfield and the DynaFleur team for sharing these 2 awesome scripts! I rezzed them out and started playing with them – its quite addicting! I can imagine all sorts of wonderful applications of these. Here is the reflexPanel script and...

Help Wanted

Hi everyone!  I’m looking for a little help.  As you know, there has been a lot of great projects happening in SL related to architecture that I just haven’t had time to cover on this blog. I’m wondering if there is someone out there who would be...
Reflexive Tile Wall, by Oze Aichi

Reflexive Tile Wall, by Oze Aichi

Many thanks to Oze Aichi at The Tech for sharing his ‘Reflexive Wall’ scripts! Build your own by simply dropping THIS SCRIPT inside of a prim, then name that prim ‘Reflexive Tile’. Then drop that prim inside of another prim with THIS SCRIPT in...


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