What if Wikitecture Works?

What if Wikitecture Works?

This has been a truly amazing phenomenon to witness (screenshots here HERE, Theory’s Wikitecture protocol HERE). Through the revisions, additions and edits of at least 11 different contributors and several phases of schematic evolution, it seems to have found a...
Green Design Forum

Green Design Forum

Join Simran Sethi, host of “The Green” on the Sundance Channel, in Second Life for weekly discussion forums on environmental issues and solutions. Topic: BUILD – How can we “green” our own homes? Where: “The Green” forum takes...

Post-Katrina Virtuality: The Porchdog

[youtube = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwzGOSa22aY] As a contribution to Architecture for Humanity’s Open Architecture Network, I built this virtual model on Architecture Island (SLurl).   Real-life construction of the Porchdog home is part of Architecture...
Virtual Sustainability

Virtual Sustainability

Following up on the premise of the ‘Virtual Architecture as the Ultimate Green’ concept, I wrote some additional thoughts in a comment to a thread on the sustainability or ecological footprint of virtual worlds over at Clickable Culture, pasted below...
Gregory Ain Mar Vista Residence 1948

Gregory Ain Mar Vista Residence 1948

Here is a Second Life classic. Previously covered here and here, with video posted here. Visited it in SL here. Given its RL Architectural nature, I think Octal Kahn’s reconstruction of Gregory Ain’s Mar Vista Residence deserves a place on The Arch. Photos...


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