3D Virtual Interactive Modelling

“Should the future of communication about architecture and urban planning projects come from the video game development?” Read more HERE. Via reBang; see also 3pointD coverage. YouTube link via Chip Poutine’s comment on reBang....

Virtual Mies

This machinima is weak, but I wanted to quickly document some of the progress being made on Architecture Island (better machinima will follow as the site evolves). Designer Dingson is installing Mies Van der Rohe’s ‘Farnsworth House’ (SL build by...
Sunbelt Software

Sunbelt Software

Via Gwyneth Llewelyn “Developed by Beta Technologies for Sunbelt Software, this building is inspired by the real building standing in Clearwater, Florida. It’s one of the areas in a private island designed to support Sunbelt Software’s own user...

Architecture Island: Land Available for Rent

Are you an architect or student of architecture that would like some land to start building your projects and architectural experiements? The Homestead (AKA Architecture Island) is an architectural incubator being used by RL architects from all around the world. The...


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