GE Healthcare Senographe Pristina Mammography System: Medical Equipment Visualization with VR

We’re proud to be a VR development partner to GE Healthcare delivering VR medical equipment visualization and exploring immersive remote training and collaboration opportunities.

Innovative use of VR for Medical Equipment Visualization

GE Healthcare has been a visionary client, exploring a variety of case studies and test projects that are pushing the boundaries of the use of VR in medical and healthcare simulation and training.

VR Roadshow Experience

Our most recent VR application demonstrates the features and benefits of their new Senographe Pristina 3D GE Mammography product.  The VR experience has been accompanying a roadshow traveling across the country, introducing health care professionals to this innovative new product.

“The team at Arch virtual has provided us with an effective, innovative way to share our Breast Imaging story.  The virtual reality experience provides the opportunity for prospective clients to learn about the benefits of our mammography technology and be totally immersed in the experience.  The Arch Virtual team delivered a product that uniquely captures how we have reshaped the mammography experience. We will continue to work with the team at Arch Virtual as we create additional solutions for women that encourage compliance and improve outcomes for breast cancer screening.”

Barbara Rhoden, PhD

Director of Marketing, GE Healthcare

Learn more about our Acadicus VR Training platform


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