City Planning and Urban Design with Oculus Rift

City Planning and Urban Design with Oculus Rift

Most of what we have been exploring with Virtual Cities initiative, starting with Virtual Dubuque, has been about how 3D city replicas can be used to understand cities in a deeply immersive way – rather than the abstract experience of Google Earth, or the photos from Street View, we wanted to make the virtual city experience more accessible, customizable, data-rich environments that convey a more holistic understanding of what it’s like to actually be in the city.

Oculus Rift Sketch Installation (free download)

Behold, the future of design

While designing in a virtual world, with shadows looming below objects as you create and modify them, you instantly ‘feel’ their weight and visual impact in a way no other architectural technology or design method affords. When you finish modeling an idea,...


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