News From Arch Virtual

The latest in architectural visualization and virtual reality application development.

Wikisonic at The Tech Virtual Museum Workshop

Wikisonic at The Tech Virtual Museum Workshop

Help me out here!  I submitted a project concept to The Tech Virtual Museum Workshop, based on the Wikisonic project I blogged about a while back.  The main idea of the project is to invite collaboration, virtual and otherwise, toward the design of museum exhibits for...

Wikitecture @ Metaverse U

I am sincerely honored to have been asked to present at the upcoming Metaverse U at Stanford University, February 16th and 17th. I will be demonstrating the Wikitecture concept, and I am confident that the presentation Theory Shaw and I have put together will be quite...

Archidemo – Architecture in Metaverse

I just received this link from Hidenori Watanave (CEO of Photon and Associate professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University) of the "ArchiDemo" project in the NikkeiBP island of Second Life. I will be following up with Hidenori to learn more, but couldn't wait to share...

Architecture Course Ideas Using Second Life

I was noodling through my computer this morning, and noticed these courses ideas I wrote up last June that include Second Life as an integral part of a university level architecture studio. They were primarily intended as a simple brainstorming activity, so I thought...

Alley Flats Presentation Machinima

Alley Flats Presentation Machinima

[ ?posts_id=540318&dest=20131]Here is a video I made during the University of Texas, Austin Alley Flat Initiative presentation. I have to apologize for the video and sound quality, but I really wanted to share this since it was a very inspirational tour and...


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