The International ARCH Network

Just 6 months since starting the ARCH Social Network site, we have over 130 members, representing 25 countries, including Brazil, Australia, UK, Italy, India, Canada, Cook Islands, Germany, Netherlands, Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Estonia, Spain,...
National School of Architecture of Marseille launches virtual school

The United States Department of State to host panel discussion for international audience: Architectural Design and International Collaboration in Virtual Worlds

The United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs invites you to attend: “Architectural Design and International Collaboration in Virtual Worlds.” The panel will discuss how architects utilize virtual technologies for international development partnerships. Panelists from various countries will explore the efficiency of virtual worlds and shared 3D design platforms as environments conducive to cross-cultural collaboration.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-11

Has the economy effected your job in architectural practice? # presenting Studio Wikitecture and Second Life @be2camp – see the live stream #wikitecture #secondlife # to what extent can an open source approach be applied to...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-27

Demo, Open House and Q&A on the OpenSim Architecture Islands grid: # Real Architecture in Virtual Environments: How to Profit from Virtual Environments – a Second Life event: # Free Demo, Open House and Q&A on the...


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