Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-20

Share and promote great architecture related metaverse projects: # The Architecture of OpenSim (machinima) # Discussing 3D Mesh Imports into Second Life at Metanomics Community Forum with Reed...
The Architecture of OpenSim (machinima)

The Architecture of OpenSim (machinima)

Sims at a fraction of the cost? No prim size limits? Saving and restoring entire sims to and from my own hard drive? OpenSim is where its at, and its improving at a pretty impressive rate. With the likes of IBM, Intel, Microsoft and even Linden Lab itself making contributions toward strengthening OpenSim, it certainly seems to have a chance at making it to prime time if it hasn’t already. We’re now offering 6 sims at $150/month on the OpenSim Architecture Grid…

Architecture related destinations

I was recently grid-hopping in Second Life, several of the opensim grids, Blue Mars, and Multiverse, and saw so many incredible projects that I wish I had time to cover individually!  Innovative work in this area exceeded my ‘event horizon’ long ago, and I...


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