Sahaj Residential Real Estate Visualization
Arch Virtual recently partnered with Sahaj Interactive Solutions to complete a new Oculus Rift application for a large residential condominium complex.

“The experience working with Arch Virtual is phenomenal, the results are accurate and always delivered on committed dates. We always have a very happy client when we work with Arch Virtual.”

The Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset
“We are also very excited to be releasing an Oculus Rift version of this build. Experiencing architecture within the Rift is absolutely incredible, and has to be tried out firsthand to fully appreciate just how immersive the experience really is,” said Jon Brouchoud, owner of Arch Virtual.
The Oculus Rift is a next-generation virtual reality headset designed for immersive gaming, but it clearly has applications in architecture and real estate development as well. The Oculus Rift version of the application includes a prototype of Arch Virtual’s new “Quick Link Dashboard,” that enables visitors to seamlessly fade from scene to scene.
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